Heiwa 3-jo 10-2-11, Nishi-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido

Company Profile

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Company Profile

Company nameOhana Co., Ltd.
Date of establishmentMarch 6, 2024
Representative’s nameKatsumi Yatsu
Business detailsCamping car rental business, private lodging business, travel arrangements, etc.
Capital amount1 million yen
contact addressinfo@ohana-h.com


Ohana Co., Ltd. Corporate Philosophy

1.Mission (social mission)

We aim to contribute to the development of the region and people by conveying to those who visit Hokkaido the wonderful sightseeing spots, rich food, and warmth of the people of Hokkaido, where we live, and aiming to be happy together.

2.Visoin (future of the company)

Ohana means family in Hawaiian. By pursuing sales and profits that are suitable for our company and acting for the development of the company, we hope that everyone who works for our company will be accepted as part of our family so that our employees (and their families) can continue to live happy and enriching lives. Increase corporate value.

3.Value (behavioral guidelines)

・今日できる仕事を明日まで延ばすことなくQuick is the best!(迅速であることを一番の気持ちで取り組む。)

Company characteristics and strengths

・Always treat everyone with gratitude, regardless of whether they are customers or business partners.
・Quick is the best without putting off the work you can do today until tomorrow! (We work with speed as our top priority.) –
・We do not place superiority or inferiority on our customers or business partners, and we nurture and grow with care so that the tree of “enishi” that we have received from them becomes thick and long. We aim to build a relationship where we can support you.