Heiwa 3-jo 10-2-11, Nishi-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido

Health Checkp Tour

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It is currently in preparation

Health Checkp Tour

Ohana’s medical coordination tours leverage the unique perspective and international network of a travel agency to assist foreigners visiting Japan in making reservations for receiving advanced medical examinations and treatment at Japanese medical institutions, as well as receiving medical examination and treatment fees on their behalf. We provide comprehensive support such as arranging medical interpreters and providing guarantees for medical stay visas.

Features of Ohana Health Checkp Tour

・We are affiliated with medical institutions that accept foreign visitors to Japan (the scope of affiliated medical institutions is all over Japan).
・We create advanced medical checkup programs with high Japanese hospitality together with medical institutions, and introduce and sell them.
・For foreign patients living overseas who wish to receive treatment in Japan, we will make inquiries about whether or not they can be accepted at Japanese medical institutions.
・We provide all-in-one support from when you arrive in Japan to support after you return home.

About Health Checkp Tour

・By incorporating a health checkup as an incentive tour to Japan for retailers, it is possible to create a special tour (health checkups include fresh content that goes beyond meetings, sightseeing, golf, meals, and shopping).
・Promote health management and prevention for important customers who support overseas sales and executives at overseas branches, and provide health care through early detection of diseases. It is used for school management.
・Plans can be set to suit individuals, small groups, and groups. ・Health checkup is a popular program from China and Vietnam Log House and Camper Co., Ltd.

Japan’s world-class treatment (reference)

Cancer treatment area Non-invasive and minimally invasive treatments (heavy ion therapy, proton therapy, endoscopic therapy, immunotherapy) regenerative medicine Knee/hip joint, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, atopic dermatitis, cerebral infarction, spinal cord injury

Usage scene

Proposals to international business departments, sales departments, and secretarial offices of Japanese companies
Proposals to Japanese corporations such as Chinese and Vietnamese companies
Customer retention for real estate companies with Chinese market
Proposals for health insurance, human resources, and general affairs
Proposals for preparing medical institutions and local governments that are (or are planning to) developing medical inbound tourism to accept foreign visitors to Japan and overseas PR.